Admin Console

Admin Console : Getting Started

An introduction to what is the DeskDirector admin console


These set of articles explain what the Portal tab in the DeskDirector admin console does.

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56 articles by 2 authors


These set of articles explain what the Tech tab in the DeskDirector admin console does.


These set of articles explain what the Email tab in the DeskDirector admin console does.

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13 articles by 3 authors


These set of articles explain what the Sytem tab in the DeskDirector admin console does.

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15 articles by 2 authors


These set of articles explain what the integrations tab in the DeskDirector admin console does.

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14 articles by 2 authors


These set of articles explain what the Advanced tab in the DeskDirector admin console does.


These set of articles explain what the Analytics tab in the DeskDirector admin console does.


These articles will discuss what can be done in the Account tab of the DeskDirector admin console.


Surveys in DeskDirector are used to understand your customer’s satisfaction levels with the service your techs have provided to your clients. A simple built-in feature that integrates into the Ticket Life Cycle, asking about a customer's overall satisfaction with his service interaction once a ticket is closed.

Task Lists

Service Agent Change Log

Whenever the role, company and board access are changed for a Service Agent, DeskDirector will record this. The Audit Log is found under the Service Agent (Tech/Agents/Agent/Audit-Log) Time and date, authentication method, action, outcome (success/failure), IP address (when available) every time contact logs into the system.

Warwick Eade
Updated by Warwick Eade

Auditing and Analytics

DeskDirector DD has many auditing and analytics options available. The audit logs fall into these categories Authentication. Admin changes. Email usage. Usage Analytics. Advanced Analytics. Authentic…

Warwick Eade
Updated by Warwick Eade

Contact Authentication Audit Log

For very contact authentication DeskDirector logs time and date, authentication method, authentication ID, outcome (success/failure), IP address (when available) every time contact logs into the system.

Warwick Eade
Updated by Warwick Eade
