StreamlineIT for DeskDirector Tech Portal

Streamline IT members can use the DeskDirector Tech Portal just as a normal member can, however, there are a few restrictions we place on these users. This article will detail the restrictions on these users as well as guide you through the steps needed in order to setup a StreamlineIT user to use the DeskDirector Tech Portal.

StreamlineIT for DeskDirector Tech Portal Restrictions

StreamlineIT users cannot create broadcasts - the broadcast menu item will not be displayed for any StreamlineIT user (see: DeskDirector Roles and Permissions)

Step 1: Restrict Company Access

StreamlineIT users must have company restrictions setup in order to login to the DeskDirector Tech Portal. To set this up, go to your admin console and head to Tech > Members > {member name} > Tickets > Company Restriction . Search for the company by typing into the form then select the company/companies the member belongs to.

Step 2: Restrict Board Access

StreamlineIT users must have board restrictions setup as well. To set this up, go to your admin console and head to Tech > Members > {member name} > Tickets > Board restriction then select the boards the member will be working out of.

How did we do?

Enabling Master Admin
