Quotes Access in DeskDirector

Edcel Ceniza Updated by Edcel Ceniza

This global setting will only appear for ConnectWise and not on Autotask instances

Quotes in DeskDirector work straight out the box for our ConnectWise Sell (Quosal) partners. You can access this under under Portal > Settings > Quotes.

On this page, you can select which quote statuses and types you want to appear globally for all contacts under your DeskDirector instances. Any settings on this are overridden by settings for specific companies (under Portal > Companies > "Company Name" > Quotes ) or contacts (under Portal > Contacts > "Contact Name" > Quotes).

If you do not use ConnectWise Sell (Quosal), DeskDirector seamlessly integrates with QuoteWerks, so you can check that out as an alternative.

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