Ticket Summary for Tech Portal

Andy Chen Updated by Andy Chen

This feature is currently under preview.

This documentation walks through how to set up and customize the Tech Ticket Summary feature for your tech portal.

Step 1 - Setting up an AI Service Provider:

  1. Navigate to the AI Services settings page in your Admin portal.
  2. Manage your AI service providers.
  3. Follow the instructions to configure your preferred AI service.

Step 2 - Enabling Tech Ticket Summary:

  1. Return to the AI Services page.
  2. Toggle 'ON' the Ticket Summary feature.

Step 3 - Setting the Tech Ticket Dynamic Content Link:

  1. Continue in Admin portal, navigate to Tech -> Global Settings -> Advanced.
  2. Use the following link for the dynamic content.

Open a ticket in Tech portal and you should see a ticket summary shows up at the bottom of the ticket. Example:

Optional Step - Customizing the Ticket Summaries:

  1. You can customize how ticket summaries are generated. To do this, click the Change Settings option under the Ticket Summary toggle.
  2. You have the option to change the AI service provider, large language model (LLM) and the summary instructions.
You can test your settings in the Test Settings tab before saving your changes.
  • I'm getting "You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details" errors, how to fix this?

Cause: According to OpenAI, you have run out of credits or hit your maximum monthly spend.

Solution:  learn how to increase your limits.

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