Ticket Summary for Tech Portal

Andy Chen Updated by Andy Chen

This feature is currently under preview.

This documentation walks through how to set up and customize the Tech Ticket Summary feature on DeskDirector Tech mode in Microsoft Teams.

Step 1 - Setting up 'Tech Mode': Begin by setting up the DeskDirector Teams app in 'Tech Mode'. Refer to this article for detailed instructions.

Step 2 - OpenAI Integration:

  1. Navigate to the Microsoft Teams app's channel.
  2. Find and click on the DeskDirector tab.
  3. Go to Settings -> OpenAI Integration.
  4. Click the link under the "Use OpenAI integration" section.
  5. Enter your OpenAI API key and, if necessary, an optional Organization ID.

Step 3 - Enabling Tech Ticket Summary:

  1. Return to the 'OpenAI Integration' page.
  2. Toggle 'ON' the Tech Ticket Summary.

Step 4 - Setting the Tech Ticket Dynamic Content Link:

  1. Go to your DeskDirector Admin portal Tech -> Global Settings -> Advanced.
  2. Use the following link for the dynamic content

Open a ticket in Tech portal and you should see a ticket summary shows up at the bottom of the ticket.

Optional Step - Customizing the Ticket Summaries:

  1. You can customize the instructions for generating the ticket summary. To do this, click the link under the 'Tech Ticket Summary' toggle.
  2. You have the option to change the Language Learning Model (LLM) for the summary and/or the instructions provided for the summary.

When drafting custom instructions, consider these suggestions for an effective ticketing system:

  • Simplicity: Keep instructions simple and specific. The model operates best when asked to follow precise guidelines.
  • Structured Direction: Ask the model to structure the summary in a specific way. For example, you could instruct the model to write in bullet points or paragraphs, to highlight the issue at the start, followed by actions taken, and then suggested next steps.
  • Information Coverage: Clearly instruct the model to include all critical aspects of the ticket - like problem description, actions taken and pending, and suggested resolution actions.
  • Conciseness: Encourage conciseness. Ask the model to provide the information in brief, clear terms.
  • Politeness and Professionalism: Instruct the model to maintain a polite and professional tone throughout. This helps to keep the responses user-friendly.
  • I'm getting "You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details" errors, how to fix this?

Cause: According to OpenAI, you have run out of credits or hit your maximum monthly spend.

Solution:  learn how to increase your limits.

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