- All Categories Advanced Use
Getting Started with DeskDirector
Admin Console
Admin Console : Getting Started
Branding your DeskDirector Portal via Brand Packages
Color Theming a Portal via Brand Packages
Avatars in the DeskDirector Portal
Enable/Disable Chat Callback Feature
Enable/Disable Pre-Ticket Chat
Enable or Disable the 'Something Else' Option
Embedding Media as the Help Page
User Groups
File Storage
Portal Permissions in DeskDirector
FastTrack in DeskDirector
Setting Up and Using the VIP Priority
How to setup the Flag feature (ConnectWise)
Have Approvals go to Approvers according to site (ConnectWise)
Quotes (ConnectWise)
Invoices (ConnectWise)
Request Types
Setting up Request Type Items
Request Type Ordering in the Client Portal
Getting Started with Service Groups
Getting started with DeskDirector Forms
DeskDirector Forms - Question Types in Detail
DeskDirector Forms - Dynamic Fields
DeskDirector Forms - Dynamic Fields Implementation Example
DeskDirector Forms - Sections and Conditionals
DeskDirector Forms - Embed content
DeskDirector Forms - Replace Summary Field with Title Automation
Importing Wufoo Forms to DD Forms
DeskDirector Forms - Dynamic content
DeskDirector Forms - Field value format for automation
User Groups
Managing Companies in DeskDirector
Filtering Companies to Manage
Exporting Companies as CSV
Managing Contacts in DeskDirector
Exporting Contacts as CSV
Ticket Group Permissions
Contact Impersonation
Menu Group
Menu Items
Intro to Menu Items
Creating Menu Items
Extension Menu Security and Query Paramaters
Adding BiggerBrains Menu Item
Learning Center
Getting Started with the Learning Center
How to change the name of the Learning Center
Useful Learning Center Tips - Adding files from Google and Dropbox
Portal Access
Desktop Installer
Feature Preview
Email Notifications Overview
Setting up Global Email Notification Settings
Setting up Office 365 Mail Delivery
Setting up SMTP Server Mail Delivery
Setting up SendGrid Email Delivery
Getting Started with Email Template Engine - DeskDirector
Creating Custom Email Template
Setting Email Templates for Notification Events
Email Templates Auto Login Link
HTML Email Templates - ConnectWise
HTML Email Templates - Autotask
ConnectWise - Avoid Aggressive Notifications
Troubleshooting email delivery issues using "Delivery History"
Feature Configuration
Default Ticket Board and Source
Setting up your Approval Statuses
Adding a VIP Priority via the Admin Console
Automatic Contact Creation
Setting Reopened Ticket Status
Setting Status when Ticket is Closed
Change Ticket Status when Customer Adds Note
Hosts Configuration
PSA Integration (ConnectWise/Autotask)
Setting Office Hours
Enabling OAuth (Microsoft Login) for DeskDirector Portal
Logging in with Passwordless
Global Magic Token: Logging in via URL
Client Portal Office365 Single Sign-On
Switching from Custom Application OAuth to the new OAuth
ConnectWise Sell (previously Quosal)
How to configure ConnectWise Sell (previously Quosal) Order Porter integration
Adding ConnectWise Sell (previously Quosal) Order Porter link to opportunity
Microsoft Flow (Power Automate)
Get started with the DeskDirector Power Automate Connector
Power Automate Administration
Power Automate Template Gallery
Featured Solution: Teams Ticket Discussion
Featured Solution: Ticket Briefing
DeskDirector Connector Triggers
Action: Create an email from template
Power Automate Connector - Setting up your first flow
Deleting Orphaned Tickets
Developer Corner
Managing Webhooks
ConnectWise API Integration Tester
Autotask Data Sync
Diagnose Entities Tool
Task Lists
Service Agent Change Log
Auditing and Analytics
Contact Authentication Audit Log
Tech Portal
Tech Portal : Getting Started
Managing Tickets from the Tech Portal
Tech Portal Ticket Details
Creating a Ticket from the Tech Portal
Request more information (forms request) with Task Forms
Enable/Disable Time Entry Timer Autostart
Getting Started with DeskDirector Chat
Handling Chat Requests
Viewing Chat History from the Tech Portal
Creating a Chat Session from the Tech Portal
Changing your Presence
"Pre-Ticket Chat" Feature
"Call me Back" Feature
Client Portal
Client Portal : Getting Started
Contact Support
Creating a Ticket from the Client Portal
Submitting a Generic Ticket
Creating a Chat Session from the Client Portal
Viewing Chat History from the Client Portal
Quotes & Invoices
Learning Center
A walk through all the fields available in DeskDirector forms
Logging in to DeskDirector Workflow
Deskdirector - Sign up walk through
DeskDirector Roles and Permissions
Tickets & Chats
Notifications & Broadcasts
Custom Forms & Request Types
Custom Branding
Custom Menus
Custom Email Templates
Surveys in DeskDirector
Approvals in DeskDirector
Easy Integrations
Advanced Authentication. No password, Single Sign On, MFA and beyond?
BiggerBrains & Learning Center
Other DeskDirector Features
Ticket Dynamic Contents
How Tos & FAQs
APIs and Integration
ConnectWise SOAP API credential
Creating an Integrator Login in ConnectWise (SOAP API)
Creating a ConnectWise RESTful Integrator API Key
ConnectWise 2019.5+
Autotask integration major update 2022
ConnectWise Member Impersonation
Autotask Resource Impersonation
Creating an integrator API resource in Autotask
Autotask 2020.3 integration (API) resource migration
Third-party integration with DeskDirector
How User Authentication works in DeskDirector
Setting/Resetting a Contact's Password
Logging in with Active Directory
Desktop Portal
Desktop Portal v4 Installation - For the Legacy App
Diagnosing DeskDirector Desktop Portal Issues
Diagnosing automatic login issues (ActiveDirectory) using the DDGetSID CLI tool
Antivirus Blocking DeskDirector Portal Installation
Troubleshooting your DeskDirector Portal installation
DD Portal for Mac: Labtech Deployment Guide
DDPortal removal tool - uninstalling Windows portals
Deploying DD Desktop Portal v5 via PowerShell
Desktop Portal v5 Installation & Common Issues
Instance & Account Queries
Setting up your custom domain
Contact Limits FAQs
Finding out what server your DeskDirector instance is on.
How search works in DeskDirector products
Portal and User Issues
User can't log in
DeskDirector Portal Browser Support
Contact can't login portal, the contact is missing in admin console but it is in ConnectWise
DeskDirector Tech Portal - How to take advantage of browser tabs
Add DeskDirector Tech Portal as a Custom Menu item inside ConnectWise Manage
Sign in with Microsoft Issue in Tech or Admin Console - "Need Admin Approval"
How do I add Tech Members/Contacts/Companies to my DeskDirector instance?
Time Stamps in DeskDirector Portal
Missing contacts or companies in DeskDirector but they are in my PSA
User Group FAQs
Chat permission granted but "Chat" option is missing on "Contact Support" page
How do we set a landing page for the client portal?
User can't see "All Tickets" option
Tickets are missing in DeskDirector but they are on my PSA
My customer is seeing deleted tickets in portal
Ticket Description missing on ConnectWise emails
Other Articles
Top 10 Request Types
Generic vs Customized Request Types
Using Markdown
Desktop Portal (Installed client) Vs. Web Portal (Web Client)
Outdated Articles
Common WuFoo errors
Changing the Summary of Wufoo Tickets
Creating your first Wufoo form
Adding Wufoo Forms To Request Support
Getting started with WuFoo Forms
Debugging Your Wufoo Integration
Switching PSA or merging with another CW/AT instance
How to Allow Time Entries for StreamlineIT Members
Essential and Dynamic Plan Breakdown
Advanced Use
DeskDirector API
Subscribing to Chat Webhooks
Portal Deep Linking
Webhook Example with Zapier
Chat Session Payload
Legacy URL Linking in DeskDirector
Get started with portal extension page demo
Dynamic content based on logged in user
Clean Tickets
Exporting Portal Usage
TimeZest integration with DeskDirector
Troubleshooting Connectwise/Autotask-related integration issues
Release Notes
Client Portal
Tech Portal
Portal Release Notes - Windows/macOS
Differences Between different Desktop Portal version
Portal Release Notes - Web Client
Release Notes in the Admin Portal
Microsoft Teams App
Introducing the DeskDirector for Microsoft Team App
Setting up Content Security Policy (CSP)
Installing the Microsoft Teams App (Tech)
Setting up Tags for Teams Discussions (Tech)
Setting up DeskDirector for Microsoft Teams for your clients (Client mode)
Branding the DeskDirector Teams App
DeskDirector Teams App Notifications
User Groups Integration with Microsoft Teams
Advanced topic: Setting up Tech & Client Mode in the same tenancy
Integrating Microsoft Teams with DeskDirector Tech Portal
Ticket Summary for Tech Portal
Smart Alerts for Tech Users
Release Notes - DeskDirector Teams App
Contact Support
Advanced Use
DeskDirector API
DeskDirector provides a set of generic and platform APIs for you to integrate with. It allows you to trigger workflows based on Webhooks (such as ticket status changes), add ticket notes on behalf of…
Subscribing to Chat Webhooks
DeskDirector can call webhooks whenever a chat session is created or updated. This is a really powerful way to customize your chat workflow. The following steps assume you already have an http endpoi…
Portal Deep Linking
This article discusses our new Deep Linking system which requires Portal V2 to be turned on for your clients. To read about the legacy URL linking for Portal V1, click here. What is Deep Linking?. De…
Webhook Example with Zapier
In this article, we will be running over a simple example of leveraging Webhooks with Zapier. Although the free tier has limitations, signing up for a Zapier account is great to use for testing. Exam…

Chat Session Payload
This is the chat session payload interface you can expect from the New Chat Session or Chat Session Status Changed webhooks (written in TypeScript ): Note that webhooks return arrays in general. So t…
Legacy URL Linking in DeskDirector
This article applied to Portal V1 only and is out-of-date for Portal V2 users. If you have Portal V2 switched on you will want to use our new Portal Deep Linking. It supports all of the same features…
Get started with portal extension page demo
In this article, I will demonstrate how to setup sample extension page. By going through this process, you should have more detailed view on how access_token works and how it can help identify given…
Dynamic content based on logged in user
There are scenarios, where you want to display customized content for your customer or you have created an awesome internal website that you want to share inside DeskDirector portal, but you only wan…
Clean Tickets
One of the most annoying things to deal with when working on tickets that arrive from an email connector is the amount of clutter present in a typical email. You have things like Microsoft safelinks,…
Exporting Portal Usage
Monitoring your clients' portal can be easily done from the admin console ( see : Monitoring Portal Usage ). You may also download the portal usage data using the DeskDirector API. We have several AP…
TimeZest integration with DeskDirector
As of October 2021, there is no native integration between TimeZest and DeskDirector yet. Based on our discussion with TimeZest team, an integration will be looked into in the future as the need aris…
Troubleshooting Connectwise/Autotask-related integration issues
The best first step is to make sure that that specific resource/member can access the ticket from the PSA and leave notes/time entries from there. If they can access the ticket and can update it, proceed with troubleshooting.