Tickets & Chats

There are 2 main ways that clients interact with technicians in DeskDirector -- via tickets and chats. In both options, initiating contact is done 2 ways -- by the client or by the technicians.


Submitting a ticket as a client to technicians can be easily done via the client portal. Check these 2 articles that discuss about it

Clients can easily manage their tickets from the client portal. Here are

However, initiating contact via tickets can also be done by technicians, targeting a ticket to a specific user. Read more about it here: Creating a Ticket from the Tech Portal

The tech portal also has it's own way of managing all the tickets assigned to a technician:


As mentioned, not only can users interact via tickets in the DeskDirector Portal, this is also possible via chat.

There are 2 ways that a chat can be created - either initiated by the client or by the technicians. Read more about it here:

Managing tickets is also both done from the client and tech portal:

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