Setting up ConnectBooster integration

DD accounts Updated by DD accounts

The screenshots of the video above are from the old admin console, but the steps should be roughly the same.

To start with the ConnectBooster integration, just login to your admin console and head to Integrations > ConnectBooster. In the ConnectBooster integrations page, tick Use ConnectBooster Integration to enable it.

Enter your ConnectBooster URL in the ConnectBooster URL box. This is usually in the format http://[your company name]

This should be all the you need to do in the DeskDirector admin console. Security and access settings are controlled from ConnectBooster.

  1. Login into ConnectBooster
  2. Navigate to Configurations.
  3. Select API Keys at side menu
  4. Enable Allow DeskDirector Authentication

You are now all set to go!

Now whenever a client goes to the Invoices section of DeskDirector, ConnectBooster will display instead of the normal invoice list.


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