FastTrack in DeskDirector

The FastTrack feature in DeskDirector allows your clients to escalate tickets, and mark their importance so your team gets to them as soon as possible (or as per your SLAs).

Setting up FastTrack status

Set up a FastTrack status in your DeskDirector admin console under System > Feature Configuration > Tickets. This will enable the boards/queues where this status exists to support the FastTrack feature.

Screenshot above is for Autotask instances. For ConnectWise, you will need to manually type the status and DeskDirector predictive typing will try to present you options that match what you have written so far.

Enabling FastTrack permissions

Enabling FastTrack permissions is done in three levels - global, company and contact - and behave in cascading override. As an overview, cascading override means that any global permission is overridden by company permissions, which is also overridden by contact permissions.

  • You can easily FastTrack Flag permissions globally under Portal > Settings > Permissions then just tick/untick the Flag option. This enables/disables FastTrack for every contact in your company.
  • To setup the FastTrack permission for each companies, head to Portal > Companies then select the company you want to control the FastTrack permissions for, then go to the Permissions tab. Enable the "Override global permission settings" slider to allow you to change the FastTrack settings to be different from the global settings.
  • To finetune the FastTrack permissions further, you can set it at a contact Level. Just head to Portal > Contacts then select the contact you want to control the FastTrack permissions for, then click on the Permissions tab. This will override both global and company permissions.

Contacts with the FastTrack permission will now be able to FastTrack tickets they have access to in the Portal. Here's what that looks like:

Once they FastTrack a ticket, it will be moved to the status you configured, where you can then run workflows from your PSA. It is a good opportunity to raise the priority, email an account manager, or email your On-Call technicians.

How did we do?

Portal Permissions in DeskDirector

Setting Up and Using the VIP Priority
