Tech Portal Ticket Notifications

Notifications are a great way to keep track of any activity on a site. You see it used in almost every social media sites -- so we also use it for the DeskDirector Tech Portal (and also the Client Portal).

Ticket Notifications makes it easy to keep track of tickets that you have handled or assigned to you. You can see this under the Notifications tabs in the Tech Portal.

Opening the page should show all Unread Notifications that you have. You can filter the notifications to show all or just unread. Selecting "All Notifications" should show all past notifications up to 7 days old.

You should be able to open the specific ticket by clicking on the notification.

You can mark notifications as read by clicking on the checkmark adjacent to it, or mark read all unread notifications by clicking on the double check mark beside the unread notification count.


Q: Why do I not see notifications from certain tickets?

A: There are several settings that can be done for Notifications from the admin console. All these settings are under Portal > Notifications of the admin console. Doublecheck whether the board has notifications enabled, or if company or contact filters are used for notifications or if there are exceptions as to which ticket status triggers notifications.

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