Client Portal Ticket Details

The ticket details page is where your customers are going to be interacting with you from. Depending on their permission levels they can perform many actions, from approving tickets to requesting a chat.

Lets go over each part of this UI.

Ticket Title bar

This shows a set of breadcrumbs so the user knows where they are in the ticket hierarchy, the ticket title and the ticket number. They can click the Tickets link to get back to the ticket list.

Ticket Timeline Header

The timeline header is broken down into the following parts:

  • Ticket summary: this is the name of the ticket. If a user is the default contact for their company, is an Approver, or has the All Tickets permission they will be able to edit the ticket summary.
  • Chat now button: this button will create a chat session for the user. This will only appear if they have the chat permission
  • Print button: this button can be used to print a copy of the ticket
  • Refresh: manually refresh the ticket details
Ticket Timeline

The timeline shows all the public notes, time entries, and attachments that have been added to the ticket. If an attachment is clicked, a dialog will appear that will allow them to preview the file (if possible). If a file cannot be rendered in the browser, they will be able to download it to their computer to view.

Ticket Input

From here your users can:

  • Reply to the ticket (add a note)
  • Flag the ticket for review (ConnectWise only feature)
  • FastTrack the ticket (if the user has FastTrack permissions)
  • Close the ticket
  • Attach files (there is a 5MB file size limit)
Ticket Information

The ticket information shows all of the relevant details of the ticket. If the user is an Approver, is the default contact for their company, or has the All Tickets permission, a "Change" button will appear under the ticket owner name which they will be able to change.

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Client Portal Ticket List
