Desktop Portal v4 Installation - For the Legacy App

This installation guide is for the legacy version of the desktop portal. For DeskDirector Portal v5, check this installation guide
The Portal and all installers are 32-bit applications. The Program Files directory or Registry locations are always their 32-bit version.


  • Windows 7 or later
  • NET Framework v4.5+

Using the Installers

The EXE Installer:

This EXE will install the Portal onto the machine inside Program Files. It will create a Desktop shortcut visible to all users. It will automatically start to the system tray when a user logs in.

You can generate your installer by following our Getting Started with DD Portal article.

  • This EXE will install the Portal directly into %ProgramFiles(x86)%
  • Desktop shortcuts will be made available for all users.

This installer is built using InnoSetup.

You can find full documentation for Installation Command Line Parameters and Uninstaller Command Line Parameters inside their documentation.

Common command line parameters

Silent Installation

/silent or /verysilent

Disabling/Enabling AutoStart on User Login Feature

Enabling AutoStart: /tasks="autostart"

Disabling AutoStart: /tasks="!autostart"

Steps to deploy:
  1. Uninstall old versions of the DeskDirector client.
  2. Execute the EXE on the target machine(s) with any privileges you require.
Example Command Line Deployment

I've confirmed the path of my EXE installer is as follows:


I will run Command Prompt as an Administrator:

And execute the following command:

"C:\DDPortal\DeskDirector+Support-terminal-server.exe" /verysilent

Shortly after, my DD Portal installer's shortcut is available on my Desktop:

The MSI Installer

Run this installer as an Admin on each machine. The Portal will be directly available to all users on the machine.

Updating the Portal

With release of Portal version 3.x. Upgrade within same version no longer require uninstall of previous version. Portal version 3.x will install under Program Files folder instead of App Data. During installation or uninstall, the process is much simple.

For legacy version 2.x. It may automatically upgrade to 3.x, depends on which model you have installed. Any legacy version will require uninstall, no matter whether they have automatically upgraded to 3.x or not.

The recommendation is to always uninstall before install, unless you know the existing version was 3.x.

To uninstall portal, especially portal version 2.x, we have developed uninstall CLI. You can find it here.

How did we do?

Diagnosing DeskDirector Desktop Portal Issues
