Enabling OAuth (Microsoft Login) for DeskDirector Portal

Custom OAuth application has been deprecated, you can still setup and use it in DeskDirector server, but it is no longer recommended approach.

OAuth allows end users to log in using their Office 365 credentials instead of using the Passwordless login or a username and password. 

Once you're done with the set up process, all customers will have the OAuth option available as long as their ConnectWise or Autotask contact email address matches who they're trying to sign into O365 as (they also have to have an O365 account, or it won't work). The first time your user signs in, they will be asked to grant permissions - and that's it.

This means that as soon as you're done enabling OAuth for DD Portal, it will be enabled for all your clients and no further configuration will be required in the Admin Console on your end.

OAuth Setup for DeskDirector Portal

Follow these instructions step-by-step and use the DD admin credentials for your O365 login:

1. Create a Microsoft Application for your portal in Azure Portal

When a user logs into the DeskDirector portal, it will be using this application to ask their consent.

To start, login to the Azure Portal and once authenticated, you will be taken to the My Applications page. Here, click "New registration"

Enter a name for your application, select accounts in any organization directory. then hit Register. There is no need to fill "Redirect URL" yet.

After registration, your application is live. Please copy the Application (Client) ID and save to a text editor as we will need that later.

2. Generate a client secret.

Head to Certificates & Secrets and hit New client secret. Enter a description to the secret and set the expire time to Never.

Once the Client Secret has been created, please make sure copy that to a text editor. We will use it in the next section.

The Secret will only display after creation, if you navigated to other page and come back. You will no longer able to see it.

3. OAuth in the DeskDirector Admin Console

Login to the to admin console then head to System > OAuth then add the Application ID and Secret. Click on Edit Application and enter the data needed which you saved from the other steps above.

Once application been added, copy the Redirect URL from the admin console's OAuth page. It should looks like this:


4. Final step

Lastly, head back to Azure portal and navigate to Authentication, then paste the Redirect URL you copied and tick Access Tokens and ID tokens under Implicit grant. Save and you are all set!

If everything has been set up correctly, you should be presented with the "Sign in with Microsoft" option right after initiating a login into the portal like below:

Branding your OAuth

You can brand your OAuth application. Navigate to branding, at there you can modify application name, logo, company page etc.

How did we do?

Setting Office Hours

Logging in with Passwordless
