Creating an Integrator Login in ConnectWise (SOAP API)

​SOAP API has many issues since ConnectWise 2019.4. It is best to use the API V3 for ConnectWise integration.

DeskDirector uses the ConnectWise Integrator API to retrieve and update ConnectWise

Here’s how you can create this account:

  1. From ConnectWise select Setup, Setup Tables
  2. Open the Integrator Login table
  3. Create a username (we like DeskDirector, up to you though) and password
  4. Ensure the Access Level is set to All Records otherwise most functions won't work
  5. Check the following APIs;
  1. Service Ticket API (don't worry about the Callback URL we don't use this yet)
  2. Contact API
  3. Company API
  4. Activity API
  5. Invoice API
  6. Opportunity API
  7. Member API
  8. Reporting API
  9. System API
  10. Configuration API

Once you have this account created, these details can be entered from your Admin Console under System > PSA Integration > API v1/v2 SOAP

You can test the API permissions have been configured correctly from your Admin Console under Advanced > Integration Tester > "Test API1.5,2.0"

How did we do?

ConnectWise SOAP API credential

Creating a ConnectWise RESTful Integrator API Key
