Managing Companies in DeskDirector

You can easily manage companies you handle from the DeskDirector admin console. These companies are ported over after syncing your PSA into DeskDirector.

You can access this page from Portal > Companies in the DeskDirector admin console. You should see a page that looks like this that shows all the companies under your instance.

From this page, you can select which companies you want to manage by clicking on the company name, which should bring you to the configuration page for that specific company that looks like this.

There are several tabs that should appear on the company configuration page and they are:


This page will show the company details like name, phone number, type and a link to their website. You can also add company-specific tags the help you manage these companies.

The authentication section is used for setting up PasswordLess authentication and/or ActiveDirectory for contacts under the company. Checkout these separate guides about both authentication methods:


The branding section is used to customize/personalize the portal, specific to the company. On this page, you can specify company-specific branding like favicon, logo, mobile logo, and basic color theme. These will be used by any contacts under the company when they are using the client portal


This lists all the contacts that are under the company. You can manage contacts by clicking on their names.


This section is where user groups for the companies are created and managed. Here, you can create groups, add users to groups, assign roles to users per group and also assign request type groups for each user group.


This is basically identical to the global features settings discussed here. Any company specific changes will override the current global settings (read: cascading override)

Feature Permissions

Identical to the global ticket settings but any company specific changes done here will override the current global settings (read: cascading override). Check out these guides regarding permissions in DeskDirector for more information

Board/Queue Access

This is basically identical to the global ticket settings but any company specific changes done here will override the current global settings (read: cascading override). Check out this specific article regarding ticket access in DeskDirector for more information

Custom Portal Menu

On this page you can select which menu a company is shown. Without changing it, the company will see/use the default menu set.

Request Type Group

In this section, you can specify which request type group is used by each companies. Selecting a request type group for a company, overrides the global request type group.

The 2 tabs only appear for ConnectWise instances

Quotes Access

Much like global settings for quotes in DeskDirector, on this page you can select the quote statuses and types that each specific company can view. Any changes to each company overrides the global setting.

Invoice Access

Much like global settings for invoices in DeskDirector, on this page you can select the invoice status that each specific company can view. Any changes to each company overrides the global setting.

How did we do?

Filtering Companies to Manage
