Ticket Timeline Improvements (Tech Portal v1.32)

DeskDirector is constantly seeking on continuous improvement of our existing UI/UX. As of 14th of Dec 2020, DeskDirector Tech Portal v1.32 has been released which contained several updates. You can review the release notes under in your admin console under /admin/v2/release-notes/tech/v1.32

This update contained several new features and improvements relating to the Ticket Timeline UI/UX. With this release, we are here to introduce new enhancement to the ticket detail interface. Here's an overview of the release notes relating to Email Broadcasts.

  • ADDED Clipboard for ticket detail page. Allow copy portal link to the ticket or ticket number.
  • ADDED Display total time spent for given ticket
  • ADDED Display time spent for individual time entry. (Mobile compatible)
  • IMPROVED Ticket timeline and info improvement
  • FIXED Avoid navigate to specific note whenever ticket detail page been refreshed.

The problems we are trying to resolve:

  1. Initial focus after ticket has been loaded.
  2. Further decrease attachment and chat entry noise.
  3. Add more functionalities ticket detail header
  4. Easier way to generate deep links to access ticket in client portal.
  5. Provide better way to copy ticket ID.
  6. More visibility to time spent and billed for a given ticket.
  7. Allow technicians to delete ticket from TECH portal.

Below are screenshots of discussed improvements.


How did we do?

Email Broadcast Update (Tech Portal v1.32)
