Release Notes

Client Portal

This is where the release notes for the DeskDirector Client Portal are documented


This is where the release notes and other details for the DeskDirector Server are published.

Tech Portal

All releases notes for the DeskDirector Tech Portal are added here

​Portal Release Notes - Windows/macOS

Here are our release notes for the latest version of DD Portal, and details of the release schedule.

Jason He
Updated by Jason He

Differences Between different Desktop Portal version

Portal V5 Portal v2~v4 was build based on Electron. Electron is a framework to create desktop application based on web application. The kernel of Electron is Chromium and Node.JS. It is used by many…

Jason He
Updated by Jason He

Portal Release Notes - Web Client

v3.9.2 Released 4th December 2019 Bug Fixes Fix an issue where account switching would not work on the desktop application. Improvements Add the current account name on the top of the switch account…


Release Notes in the Admin Portal

We are always improving DeskDirector. In fact, we have had released updates & enhancements every week for the last 5 years. Here's how you can keep informed about these updates and suggest new ideas yourself

Warwick Eade
Updated by Warwick Eade
