DeskDirector Forms - Sections and Conditionals

For the legacy documentation click here

DeskDirector Forms - Getting started with DeskDirector Forms

DeskDirector Forms - Detailed Question Types

DeskDirector Forms - Importing Wufoo Forms


When you create a Form, it will appear in what is called the Base Section by default:

That translates in the Form having one page in the DD Portal. DD Forms let you add new sections to your Form, so you can break the form down into multiple pages making it easier to fill and more digestible for users.

To add a new section all you have to do is click on Sections and on the Add new section button:

As soon as you click on the Add new section button, a new section will be created and you will be redirected to that new section page, to start adding questions right away.

If you want to rename, reposition, copy, delete, edit, or set conditions to the the sections you created, all you need to do is click on the Section name and you will be presented with these options. Here's a screengrab for visualization:

The delete icon is greyed out on the Base Section as this can't be removed.

The 'set condition' option helps define whether the section should only appear if the end user chooses a specific answer to one of the previous section's questions. More information is discussed below.

Always remember to save (top right of the page) before you leave the page.


You can have additional questions (and full sections) appear to the end users based on what they answered in previous questions. To set a conditional question up, click on the menu icon at the bottom right of the question's/section's box:

Conditionals can be set when your form has a Yes/No or a general Choice question to choose answers from.

You will get prompted to choose the Dependent question:

You will then need to define the rule you want this conditional question to follow:

In our example, we've decided to include the answer yes.

Remember to click on Set condition to save all your changes.

Always remember to save (top right of the page) before you leave the page.

And this is what the Form will look like in the DD Portal:

How did we do?

DeskDirector Forms - Dynamic Fields Implementation Example

DeskDirector Forms - Embed content
