DeskDirector Tech Portal - How to take advantage of browser tabs

Jason He Updated by Jason He

In this article, we will demonstrate ways to improve experience when using the DeskDirector Tech Portal in a browser. The tab system inside TECH portal is limited because of space restriction, user of tech portal can use browser tab instead.

TECH portal's tab name now changes depends on the page. With such capability, user can open ticket in new tab and make manage tickets much easier.

This is great when you only deal with 2~3 tickets, as you open more browser tabs from ticket list, you start to realize it is hard to manage and visualize tabs. Luckily we have another tool to introduce.

  1. Install FireFox (You can find similar extension on other browser, but the one from FireFox is most stable and also been constantly updated)
  2. Install Tree Style Tab inside FireFox.

Once installed, you can find tree style tab toggle button at top right of browser.

Once you open ticket in new tab, it will keep relationship to the original page. Such as following.

With such powerful extension, you can open 100+ browser tabs and manage them with ease. You can also change position of tree style tab, either left side or right side.

IE Edge Chromium

On top of FireFox's tree style tab, you can achieve similar with IE Edge Chromium. IE Edge have an feature called Collections (IE Edge). You can create an collection then add browser page into it.

How did we do?

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