What is the DeskDirector Admin Console?

The DeskDirector admin portal is where you can manage and configure your ITSM system to get the most out of it. You can add and manage request types, forms, companies, contacts, permissions, menus, email templates, notifications, branding, and more. The admin portal is also where you integrate with your PSA (if required) and manage your account/subscriptions.

Here's a list of the most important functions:

  • Manage your account/subscriptions
  • Integrate your PSA
  • Manage companies/contacts under your company
  • Create your service catalogue (request types and forms)
  • Control permissions for companies/contacts
  • Setup custom menus
  • Create email templates
  • Build your branding
  • Setup the Learning Center
  • and a whole lot more..
Here's a screenshot of the DeskDirector admin console
Getting Started with the DeskDirector admin console:

To get started with playing around your admin console, you will need to login. Here's a quick guide on how to login to DeskDirector:

DeskDirector Admin Console tabs:

In order for you to see all these awesome tabs, you must first login to your DeskDirector admin console. There are several tabs in the admin console, each of which serves their own purposes in managing and customizing user experience for your DeskDirector site.

DeskDirector Admin

Housed here are mostly your DeskDirector license, and your database details. For ConnectWise instances, the ConnectWise Reports tools helps in troubleshooting any issues with CW to DD and vice versa.


The Home section is the default landing page when you log in to your DeskDirector Admin Portal.

This is where product updates normally appear. New features and required updates will appear on this page.

A graph of your portal engagement also appears in this page, showing the monthly activity (number of users and total user activity) for the past 12 months. Note that this graph is drillable. You can drill down to companies and contacts alike


The Portal section of the Admin Portal is where you can configure the Client Portal to provide the best possible user experience. You can setup companies, contacts, permissions, request types, forms, branding, menus, notifications and more. We have separate dedicated articles for each of these which you can check out.

We have a separate set of articles dedicated to knowing more about the Client Portal which you can check out.

With just a little bit of configuration, you can tailor the Client Portal to exactly meet your customers' needs.


The Tech Portal is the section of the Admin Portal where you can configure the role and access to different features, for each service agent.

In the Agents tab of the section, you can set roles per Tech and also limit which boards and companies they have access. This ensures that your Techs only have access to the information they need and helps to keep your data secure.

Check out the separate set of articles about the Tech Portal and what you can do with it.


The email templates in DeskDirector are beautifully designed and intelligently templated to inform and enable your users - both customers and service agents. You can brand the templates out of the box or make small changes to the copy or completely redesign them to your own requirements.

DeskDirector will send email notifications from your own Microsoft 365 mailbox, SendGrid account or SMTP smart host of choice. This can all be set up in the Email section of the platform.

So, whether you need a simple way to notify your customers of updates or you're looking for a more sophisticated email system, DeskDirector has you covered.


The system section is the control panel for your DeskDirector server. Here, you can manage email templates, brand packages, authentication options, access scopes, content security policy, and more.

Global service defaults are set for tickets, approvals, new contacts etc.

The brand packages you create here will be applied to your customer's account to provide a complete white label experience including custom logo, colors, URL and mailbox.


The Advanced Section of DeskDirector is where you will set and configure service automation options - both no code and low code .

To get started, you will need to set your DeskDirector API key so that your Power Automate workflows can run.

Then, you will configure up sophisticated and nuanced workflow triggers in the Workflows subsection. Your Power Automate workflows will subscribe to these

The Advanced Section also includes diagnostic tools to help you troubleshoot any issues with the integrations. With these powerful tools at your disposal, you can streamline your automation implementation and management like never before

The tools are 'Integration Tester' and 'Diagnose Entities'.


DeskDirector integrates seamlessly with several applications, and this is where you control integration for each of them. Currently, here are the applications DeskDirector can integrate with:

  • ConnectBooster
  • Wise-Pay
  • QuoteWerks
  • Microsoft Flow
  • Wufoo (deprecated)
  • ScreenConnect (deprecated)
  • AuthAnvil (deprecated)

This page will show you a graph of your DeskDirector instance' usage (much like the homepage), plus more specifics. This also shows usage for BiggerBrains and a Service Radar of tickets handled on your boards.


This is where the nitty gritty details of each version releases for the admin console, tech portal, client portal and even the server, are released. If you want to more about every details of each releases, this is the place to go.


These details every item in your DeskDirector subscription -- an itemised breakdown of the cool features that comes with what you pay us. You can also update your credit card information from this page, then add/remove optional features to your DeskDirector subscription.

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