Client Portal Ticket List

This is the place where your customers will come to find their tickets. Let's go over the parts that make up this UI.

The UI screengrab above is for a contact with "All Tickets" permission. Without this permission, the All Tickets/My Tickets dropdown won't appear, including the "Filter by Contact" option.
Ticket List Filter

The ticket list filter is made up of several parts:

  • Search Ticket: users can filter tickets by searching using keywords from ticket title, summaries, descriptions, or ticket numbers
  • Sorting: there are multiple sorting options available in the right corner of the search box.
  • Category (All tickets/My tickets): this option is only available if a user has "All Tickets" permission, is an approver, or is the default contact for their company. You can read more about these permissions here. The category filter allows users to select whether they want to view all tickets, or only their own.
  • Ticket state (Open/Closed/Open and closed tickets): users can choose whether they want to search closed or open tickets
  • Refresh: users can manually refresh the ticket list
  • Filter by Contact: This can be used to filter tickets further to specific users. This is done by clicking the vertical ellipses on the right hand side of the filter box. A pop-up will appear showing a list of contacts you can select from. After clicking this button a dialog will appear. From here a contact can be selected:
Ticket List

This basically shows a list of the tickets and adjusts based on the filters selected (see above). The list is divided into pages with 20 results per page. If there are more than 20 tickets, it can be navigated to using the navigation (described below).

To navigate through pages, use the controls in the floating button at the bottom of the page. You can navigate back and forward through pages, or you can select a page from the dropdown in the middle

To view a ticket, users can click the ticket summary of a list item. They will be taken to the ticket details page.

How did we do?

Client Portal Ticket Details
