Getting Started with DeskDirector Tech Portal

The DeskDirector Tech Portal can be accessed by opening your DeskDirector URL in a browser then providing your email address in the login form.

If your email address is tied up to an admin console or client portal account, you will be presented to choose the platform.

Just select "Tech Portal" and that will ask you for the login method (OAuth, Token or Password). Once logged in, the layout of the tech portal should be like this:

The user logged in to the tech portal above is a Master Admin (check: Tech Portal Roles). If the technician is set as Advanced User, they will not see the "Service Radar" tab in the left pane. If they are set as "Regular", they will not have access to both "Service Radar" and "Broadcasts".

Let's try to breakdown each part of the tech portal (we tried our best to show what each tab shows on the screengrab above).

Left pane:
  • Tickets - This is the default tab when Tech Portal loads. This shows the Ticket list of the boards/queues the technician has access to. (see:Tech Board/Queue Access)
  • Service Radar - This is the tech portal version of Service Radar from the admin console
  • Broadcasts - This is where broadcasts are created and managed
  • Companies - This is where all the companies assigned to the tech appears. If the tech has company restrictions set, he'll only see the companies assigned to him here
  • Contacts - This is where the contacts for the companies assigned to the customer appears. If he has company restrictions, he'll only see the contacts under the companies assigned to him.
  • Chat History - This is where the chat history appears. (see: Viewing Chat History)
  • Macros - This is where macros are created and managed
  • Notifications - This is where notifications regarding ticket actions appears
  • Schedule - This only appears for ConnectWise instance. Any schedule added via ConnectWise will sync here (deprecated in Tech Portal v1.32. Option to enable it is added to Settings tab).
  • Settings - The settings page for the the technician's portal. Here he can update profile picture, enable
Top pane
  • Top tabs - This area is where the custom tabs appears or can be added, may it be main tabs or ticket tabs.
  • Profile area - This area shows your name and profile picture. Clicking on the dropdown will show an option to "Sign out", your status in chat. This is where your techs control their chat presence.
Middle area
  • Ticket List - What appears here are the boards and tickets that the tech has access to, the ticket filters and the option to create a new ticket.
Floating pane:

How did we do?

What is the DeskDirector Tech Portal?
