Release Notes - DeskDirector Teams App

Andy Chen Updated by Andy Chen

Release 20240720
  • Start scheduling meetings from the tagged tickets in the channel tab (Tech mode).
  • Azure OpenAI is now supported as the LLMs provider.


  • For admin tech portal users, an Admin Settings section is available in the Settings personal tab, try open it from this link!

Release 20240707
  • Send notifications to contacts/agents in Teams from Power Automate with the DeskDirector connector. The actions can be found in the Run an advanced action connector action.


  • Simplify the setup process of client portal mode: setting bot and/or a tab in a team channel is no long required. Read the updated guide here to find out more.

Release 20240601


Release 20240526
  • Smart Alerts: Use the LLM to define notification rules for Tech users.


  • Ticket Title & Request Type Suggestions: now you can turn on these features for the Create a Ticket message action. The settings are in the DeskDirector tab in Teams under Settings -> LLMs -> Features.
  • Now you can open the teams app settings page directly from the Tech portal teams app integration tab. Read more about the integration tab in Tech here.

Release 20240317
  • Ticket Summary: Use the LLM to summarize tickets for your Tech portal.

Release 20231215


  • Improved the logic identifying external users when use the Create a Ticket message action.

Release 20231203
  • Tech portal integration tab: This integration enables users to utilize various Microsoft Teams features directly within the DeskDirector Tech portal.

Release 20231106

How did we do?

Smart Alerts for Tech Users

Contact Support
