Adding BiggerBrains Menu Item

You can see a Demo of BiggerBrains courses offering in your Admin Console via Portal > BiggerBrains Demo

Purchase your BiggerBrains Packages

In order to use BiggerBrains, it must be purchased as an add-on to your account. This can be done inside the admin console under Account > Optional Features. There are currently two packages to choose from:

  • General Courses - this includes courses on accounting software, management software, as well as other courses on productivity and workplace safety
  • Office Courses - this includes courses on all Office software as well as lessons on Windows
Adding BiggerBrains Menu Item

Go to Portal > Menu Items, create a new menu item. Here's a guide on how to create a custom menu item.

BiggerBrains has its own Extension Menu item so it's super easy to enable - you just need to click on the dropdown menu and select it. Then, select the product you're interested in: MS Office or General. Pick a name and an icon, and then save.

Assigning the menu item to a menu group

If you're releasing BiggerBrains to all your clients, then all you have to do is go to Portal > Menu Group then add the Menu Item to the Default Menu.

If you're releasing BiggerBrains to only a few of your clients, then you will need to create a new Custom Menu, add the Menu Item to it, and then assign it to the relevant companies.

Related article: Menus - DeskDirector

How did we do?

Extension Menu Security and Query Paramaters
