Menu Items

Intro to Menu Items

Menu Items. Menu Items are used to describe content which can then be placed into a Menu. They are created and exist independently from the Menus which use them. Modifying an existing Menu Item will…


Creating Menu Items

You may have already checked out the information regarding DeskDirector native menu items. In this article, we will discuss how to create custom menu items. Creating menu items can be easily done via…


Extension Menu Security and Query Paramaters

When creating a new menu item and selecting Extension Menu, you should see an overwhelming number of checkboxes that refers to the extension menu item's security and query parameters. Extension Menu…


Adding BiggerBrains Menu Item

You can see a Demo of BiggerBrains courses offering in your Admin Console via Portal > BiggerBrains Demo Purchase your BiggerBrains Packages. In order to use BiggerBrains, it must be purchased as an…

