Managing Surveys

Surveys can be easily viewed and managed in your DeskDirector admin console. This is a simple built-in feature that can either be integrated into the Ticket Life Cycle, asking about a customer's overall satisfaction with his service interaction once a ticket is closed, or can be initiated via an email broadcast. There are two types of surveys that can be created in DeskDirector:

Types of Surveys in DeskDirector:

Ticket Surveys

These type of surveys are used for gathering customers' feedback after a ticket is closed, which works on top of the ticket closed email event. You can access this via the admin console > Survey > Ticket Surveys

If you are not using DeskDirector email event, the survey link can be added into your PSA's email template by using portal deep link.

Default Survey:

This is the global control that enables/disables ticket surveys. If this is enabled, ticket surveys is enabled for all the boards in your DeskDirector instance.

By default, you will be presented with this page when visiting the default surve y. Changes to the question will not be saved unless the default survey is enabled.

The "Alert Receivers" section is where you can specify email addresses that will receive a notification once a negative review is created. Both the question and the receivers can be updated any time.

Queue/Board-specific Surveys:

The board-specific survey settings will override the default survey settings. This means that you can use different survey questions on each board/queue or set a different alert receiver for each board/queue.

Custom Surveys

While ticket surveys can be tied up into the ticket close event, customer surveys on the other hand can be wired up into an email broadcast. While ticket surveys can only have 1 question, custom surveys can have a maximum of five questions (a combination of both CSAT and NPS questions).

Once the custom survey is created, it can be tied into an email broadcast by setting it as the broadcast's custom email template

Frequently asked questions:
  • I checked "Surveys" tab in the admin console but I can't see my surveys. Why?
    - Surveys are only available for customers on Legacy and Dynamic Plans.
  • Can I have more than 1 survey question on a ticket survey?
    - Only one question is allowed per ticket survey on every board. If you want to send out surveys with multiple questions, use "Custom Surveys".
  • Can I enable ticket surveys on a specific board(s), and disabled on others?
    - Yes! Just disable "Default Survey" and that will disable surveys for every boards/queues under your instance. Then, just enable surveys for the specific boards you want it activated on.

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Creating Surveys in DeskDirector
