User Group Roles and Permissions

Jason He Updated by Jason He

DeskDirector client portal uses role to control the behavior of user group. Different roles have different permissions. Role is one of the foundation to help user group to achieve many different scenarios.

Company Manager (User who has All tickets permission)

Company manager is user who has All Tickets permission. They can add or remove user or change user's role inside any group even if they are not manager of group.

In the future, we may allow company manager to create user group.


Manager of user group can view all tickets similar as regular user. They are also approver of the user group. Manager can approve approval required ticket that's been created within that group.

Manager can also add user, remove user or change user's role within the group.


Regular user of user group can view all tickets within that group. One of the use case for regular user is hospital nurse team. Where nurse who working at night shift can submit ticket, where nurse who working at day time can view and update the ticket.


A guest of a user group can only view ticket created by themselves. One of the use case for guest is approval system. For example, you can create HR group for a given company, then guest inside HR group can create ticket which will be approved by manager of the group. Regular user of HR group can check all tickets, and add comment if needed.





View all tickets under the group




View own tickets under the group





Approve tickets



Add, remove other users



Change other user's role



Change own role


Create new group

✔️ (future)

Modify group name and icon

✔️ (future)

✔️ (future)

How did we do?

User Group Scenarios and Use-Cases
