How to configure ConnectWise Sell (previously Quosal) Order Porter integration

If you use ConnectWise Sell's Order Porter solution DeskDirector will automatically navigate the user to the Order Porter page of a quote when they open the opportunity in DeskDirector.

There are times, however, when ConnectWise Sell Order Porter quotes will not automatically appear when a user clicks on an opportunity in DeskDirector.

This is generally because ConnectWise Sell is not adding a "View Order Porter" link to the documents section of the opportunity that DeskDirector relies on. 

The following video shows you how to configure ConnectWise Sell Order Porter Integration and also how to troubleshoot any issues with it. 

As per Connectwise' support (as of March 2022) -- with current versions of Sell there isn’t a global “Update opportunity on publish” option anymore. You have to use SuccessList Profiles, and create a profile and set the Delivered success stage to track opportunity and attach.

Please coordinate with Connectwise' support for any questions.

How did we do?

Adding ConnectWise Sell (previously Quosal) Order Porter link to opportunity
