Notifications & Broadcasts

Notifications in DeskDirector

Notifications are a great way to keep track of progress or any activity on a site. You see it used in almost every social media sites -- so we also use it for DeskDirector. There are several ways notifications are used in both the DeskDirector client and tech portal.

There are 3 ways we send out notifications in DeskDirector:

Both the client and tech portal's notifications page makes it easy to keep track of tickets that you have handled or assigned to them.

Here's more articles you can check out:

Broadcasts in DeskDirector

Broadcasts are an excellent way to notify your customers on critical outages and important messages. Broadcasts can be easily created and managed from the DeskDirector Portal. Read more about it here:

Aside from ticket notifications, the client portal also shows broadcast notifications. You can read more about it here: Receiving Broadcasts in the Client Portal

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