
Tickets & Chats

There are 2 main ways that clients interact with technicians in DeskDirector -- via tickets and chats. In both options, initiating contact is done 2 ways -- by the client or by the technicians. Ticke…


Notifications & Broadcasts

Notifications in DeskDirector. Notifications are a great way to keep track of progress or any activity on a site. You see it used in almost every social media sites -- so we also use it for DeskDirec…


Custom Forms & Request Types

The combination of custom forms and request types is what constitutes the service catalogue engine in DeskDirector. These two are the building blocks of the support experience and is what your client…


Custom Branding

With DeskDirector, you can brand your portal with your logos and choose different colors from a theming palette. Not is only is custom branding available globally for your main DeskDirector instance,…


Custom Menus

Having the ability to use/create custom menu and menu items enables your to to shape your Portal with a menu that's relevant for your company. Custom Menus allow you to show company-specific options,…


Custom Email Templates

You can bring the DeskDirector experience right into the mailbox with stunning email notifications. You can create personalized, fully responsive and custom-branded email templates using our powerful…


Surveys in DeskDirector

Customer satisfaction is at the core of support experience, and surveying for your customers' experience helps you measure their satisfaction and how you can improve the services and products you offer. High levels of customer satisfaction are strong indicators for client loyalty and retention and a great tool to lure in new customers. Additional information of why a customer liked their experience helps businesses plan how they can recreate that experience moving forward.


Approvals in DeskDirector

Approvals allow your clients to have some control on what tickets make their way to you. Approval tickets are easy to set up within DeskDirector, just follow the instructions on this page to see how…


Easy Integrations

Aside from the current built-in features, DeskDirector is very extensible with it easy integration to other services. ​Invoices and Quotes in DeskDirector work straight out-of-the box for ConnectWise…


Advanced Authentication. No password, Single Sign On, MFA and beyond?

Security is always a hot topic. DeskDirector has some great authentication solutions implemented - that are always improving! Passwordless using one-use tokens sent to the mailbox. We have had passwo…

Jason He
Updated by Jason He

BiggerBrains & Learning Center

BiggerBrains. BiggerBrains produces eLearning content and courses that can help your customers skill up in a huge range of products including Office 365, QuickBooks, G Suite, and a lot more. Our tigh…



We are obsessed with numbers and we know you are too, this is why we have built-in several analytics to DeskDirector. Portal Usage Analytics. You can easily monitor and see the usage of your DeskDire…


Other DeskDirector Features

Macros. This feature allows techs to automate certain actions on a ticket, such as standardized replies. Learn more about it here: Getting Started with Macros Publishing. Publishing in DeskDirector i…


Ticket Dynamic Contents

Ticket dynamic content is similar to dynamic field and dynamic content , it is available for both client portal and TECH portal. You will required to design your own API end point for our portal to h…

Jason He
Updated by Jason He
