Managing Notifications in the Client Portal

In the tech portal, the Notifications page mainly shows ticket updates. While in the DeskDirector client portal, the Notification page both show active broadcasts and recent ticket updates.

Here is how the notification page of the client portal looks like

Broadcast section

The top section of the notifications page is where all broadcasts notifications appear. A client can not dismiss/remove any of the broadcast notifications. It will only be removed either by techs or if it has expired based on its schedule. Read this separate guide about broadcast notifications in the client portal.

Ticket Updates section

As the name suggests, this is where updates to tickets the client handles appear:

  • If the client submitted a ticket that required approval, it shows whether the ticket has been declined/approved
  • Shows ticket changes - status, priority, notes added and others
  • Any "internal" changes like techs assigning a resource, adding a CC, adding an internal note, changing ticket contact, and others, will not trigger a ticket update notification.
NOTE: The ticket update only shows the latest update for each ticket, and not every event added to a ticket
e.g. If a note is added to a ticket, but then moved to a new status, it will only show the latest update to the ticket on the Notifications page, not both actions
Push Notifications

Aside the notifications page in the client portal, notifications are also "pushed" to clients from both the web and desktop portal. Here's a screengrab of a push notification of a ticket update (which is also addded to the Ticket Updates section in the Notifications page:

How did we do?

Receiving Broadcasts in the Client Portal
