Request Type Ordering in the Client Portal

Jason He Updated by Jason He

Request Type Ordering is only available to server version equal to or higher than 18.82.1

Request type's category and name can be re-ordered.

To achieve that, you can put a number in front of category name, or request type name. The system will put anything with order number at the top, then everything else without an order number. If two items have same order number, they will be ordered by name (Alphabetical).

For order number in the names, there are two different behaviour.

  1. Order number follow by colon will be trimmed.
    1. e.g. "12: This is request with order of twelve." will display as "This is request with order of twelve".
  2. Order number without colon will not be trimmed.
    1. e.g. "12. This is request with order of twelve." will display as "12. This is request with order of twelve."

When the order number is not present in the name, the default order count is 1000. That means, without number at front, they will be displayed at end of the list.

How did we do?

Setting up Request Type Items

Getting Started with Service Groups
