Managing Tickets from the Tech Portal

The DeskDirector Tech Portal's main use is basically for technicians and customer to interact via tickets or chats. Normally, interaction with technicians are initiated by customers by submitting a ticket from the client portal (or tickets can be created by technicians too!)

Created tickets show up in the tech portal for the technician manage. In this guide, we explain how to handle tickets and what each option in the ticket timeline does.

This is the primary way of finding tickets in DD Tech. You can find the ticket list under the Ticket menu item.

NOTE: The Tech Portal only displays tickets that have been updated within the past 6 months. If there's tickets not appearing in the tech portal, check the ticket's last updated date in your PSA.
Filtering tickets in the Tech Portal:

For companies that handle a large amount of users and tickets, going through a large amount of tickets could get really tedious. This is where the ticket filters come handy.

The ticket filter is broken into several parts:

  1. General Filters
    1. Ticket state : Choose whether you want to search tickets that are closed, open or both.
    2. Search : Using this, you can use keywords from the ticket details, summary, tags, ticket number, and others to search for the ticket.
    3. Assigned technician : Restricts to show tickets that is assigned to a specific tech.
  2. Advanced Filters (you need to click "Show Advanced Filter" for this to appear)
    1. Company : Restrict results to tickets from a specific company
    2. Contact : Restrict results to tickets from a specific contact
    3. Tags : Restrict results to tickets with matching tags. Tag context only exist in DeskDirector.
    4. Priority : Restrict results based on priority.
  3. Ordering
    1. Newest
    2. Oldest
    3. Recently updated
    4. Least recently updated
    5. Summary
    6. Summary descending
Ticket Boards & Status

Every board you have access to will be shown in a list (just below the ticket filters). It is a good idea to limit these in the admin console to only the ones you will be working with (see:Tech Board/Queue Access).

Each board in the list will show the count of the number of tickets on that board. If you click a board, the list will expand to show every status under that board as well as the counts for tickets in that status. Clicking on a board or status will restrict results to tickets on that board or status.

Ticket List

Each items on the ticket list contains following information.

  • Owner of ticket
  • Company (account) of ticket it belong to.
  • The age of ticket. (mouse over to see exact time)
  • Priority, color coded at right side. Hover to see full text. (We will allow filter on priority soon)
  • Summary or title of ticket.
  • Ticket ID
  • Tags
  • Assigned technician. display maximum of two avatars, optionally display all assigned by click on the number.
  • Last ticket note or time entry. As we optimized for speed, it is not always accurate.
Quick Filters

Quick filters is designed to make it easier to find tickets in similar context as the selected filters. The screenshot below shows a screenshot with the possible quick filters that can be used. For example, clicking on "DeskDirector Demos" (company), will then filter tickets and show any tickets submitted by the Company.

The list is divided into pages with 20 results per page. To navigate through pages, use the controls at list header (medium to large screen only) or bottom of list (for all screen size).

You can navigate page by page, or you can go to start or end page, by click current page count.

To navigate to a ticket, just click the summary in the list. You will be taken to the ticket details screen for that ticket.

Small screen device

Aside from working and looking great in deskops, the tech portal also works on smaller-screen devices like mobile phones and tablets.

You can access the ticket filter by pressing F in your mobile device. It will toggle filter for given device. Filters will be simplified in mobile phones as it will only show search options and "show my tickets only" filter.

How did we do?

Tech Portal Ticket Details
