
Email Notifications Overview

DeskDirector Email Notifications give you control over how emails from your DeskDirector instance should look and when it should be triggered. This is powered by our sync engine. The benefit is follo…

Andy Chen
Updated by Andy Chen

Setting up Global Email Notification Settings

The global configuration for email notifications can be accessed via the admin console > Email > Settings Server host - is your DeskDirector URL and any custom domains added to the instance. This val…


Setting up Office 365 Mail Delivery

Emails sent from DeskDirector to your customers can be configured either to use SMTP or using an Office 365 email account. v1.31 of the admin console (released 26th of Oct 2021) introduced the suppor…

Andy Chen
Updated by Andy Chen

Setting up SMTP Server Mail Delivery

Emails sent from DeskDirector to your customers can be configured either to use SMTP or use an Office 365 email account. v1.31 of the admin console (released 26th of Oct 2021) introduced the support…


Setting up SendGrid Email Delivery

Initially, the only delivery methods supported in DeskDirector was SMTP and Office365. v1.31 of the admin console (released 26th of Oct 2021) introduced the support for SendGrid email delivery. SendG…


Getting Started with Email Template Engine - DeskDirector

For other email customization please check HTML Email Templates - ConnectWise or HTML Email Templates - Autotask. DeskDirector Email Templates. A DeskDirector email template is made up with a combina…

Andy Chen
Updated by Andy Chen

Creating Custom Email Template

DeskDirector has several events that sends out email notification, that includes approvals, mail login tokens and ticket life cycle. You can customize them to fit your own style or branding and in this article, we will go through how to create and use customized templates.

Jason He
Updated by Jason He

Setting Email Templates for Notification Events

By now, you should have created/updated a custom email template and ready to use it to any of your site's events. DeskDirector Notification Events makes it easy to assign email templates to specific…


Email Templates Auto Login Link

DeskDirector's email template has the capability to provide a client portal link with auto login token. The end user who receives a ticket email can then access portal without having to manually logi…

Jason He
Updated by Jason He

HTML Email Templates - ConnectWise

If you are going through our Onboarding process, or are just looking at how to recreate the same emails we have in our Support Portal, you've come to the right place! You can watch the below video to…


HTML Email Templates - Autotask

If you are going through our Onboarding, or are just looking at how to create the same emails that we have for our Support Portal, look no further! Please watch the following video as to how to add e…


ConnectWise - Avoid Aggressive Notifications

When the "Avoid aggressive notifications" setting is turned ON, we allow ConnectWise to decide whether or not to send an email notification for each change made to a ticket or ticket note. This means…

Aaron Corney
Updated by Aaron Corney

Troubleshooting email delivery issues using "Delivery History"

Every now and then, you or your customers may encounter issues where they do not receive email notifications in their inbox -- mail token requests, password reset, ticket notifications, and others. You can easily troubleshoot such issues using the "Delivery History" section of the admin console. This section contains logs of every emails sent from our system, including delivery attempts that failed.

