Contact Permissions (Legacy)

Contact Permissions - ConnectWise

Contact Permissions - Autotask

With our 16.38.x server release we've completely changed the way contact permissions work. Contact permissions can now be applied on the global, company, and contact levels.

Global Permissions: 

Global permissions apply to all of your contacts and have the lowest priority.

1. To setup global permissions navigate to Client Security and click on the PERMISSIONS tab:

2. From here turn the switch ON and click on the desired features for all of your contacts. In this example we've turned on Learning for all of our contacts:

Company Permissions:

Company permissions apply to all of your contacts at a specific company and overwrite any global permissions. 

1. To setup company permissions navigate to Company Configs, click on a company, and click on the PERMISSIONS tab:

2. From here turn the switch ON and click on the desired features for all of your contacts at the company. In this example we've turned on Learning and Chat for all of the contacts at DeskDirector:

Contact Permissions: 

Contact permissions apply to a specific contact and overwrite both global and company permissions.

1. To setup permissions for a contact navigate to Maintain Contacts, click on a contact, and click on the PERMISSIONS tab:

2. From here turn the switch ON and click on the desired features for the specific contact. In this example we've turned on the All Tickets, Learning, Chat, Approval, and VIP permissions for the contact:


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