DeskDirector Forms - Webhooks

This has been deprecated and has been replaced by Dynamic Content and Dynamic Fields

We are happy to announce that DDForms now supports Webhooks. What does this mean? It means that when a form is submitted, it can trigger any workflow you want via webhook. 

This means you can set up email notifications, special priorities, and so much more with a form submission. 

Here's how you set it up. 

Create/Edit a Form from your DeskDirector, at the top of the form, once you are done, select the title to go into the Webhooks menu.

In the form details, add the URL to send you webhook to. As an example, we will use Zapier to receive webhooks. 

Attach your form to a request type. When a user submits the form, you will see it appear under the forms result page, as well as it will send the webhook to the url specified. Once your chosen service receives the webhook, it can kick off as many actions as you set up. 

Please note, you can always resend the webhook from the result page. 

How did we do?
