Diagnosing Automatic Login Issues

Edcel Ceniza Updated by Edcel Ceniza

​Automatically logging in to DeskDirector is a feature that users and MSPs love. It means one less password, one less hassle, one less hurdle between you and the user.​ ​

Occasionally this doesn't work but never fear, we're here to help you sort out the issue.

  • ​​The first thing to check are the companies that have been set up in the DeskDirector admin console. There's an article that covers this topic over ​here​​.​
  • ​Check that the ConnectWise Company ID matches what's in ConnectWise (Including spaces).​
  • ​Also check that the Domain SID associated with the Company ID matches the Domain SID that the ​DDGetSid Too​​l returns, bar the last group of digits as these are ignored.​
  • ​If you're in an environment where a company has multiple domains then you can add multiple Domain SID entries with a single Company ID.
Contacts in ConnectWise
  • ​Check the user's contact in ConnectWise. There should be an email in the email field and when searching for the email address only one record should exist.​
  • ​DeskDirector checks to see if the email it retrieved from AD (the process for which can be viewed ​here​​) exists in CW and creates a new contact using the AD information if it doesn't. This means if there's a contact without an email address, or an email address that differs from what is in AD, DeskDirector will create a new contact. This means that tickets logged will be associated with the new contact.
  • ​Check that the Portal Disable Flag is False. If it is set to true, the users would not be able to log in to DeskDirector using AD or their CW credentials. 
Checking the portal account
  • ​Check if you can manually log in to the user's portal account, if the portal account isn't working for some reason, DeskDirector won't be able to log in. This can be done by holding login out of the application and then login in under the user you want to check. ​
  • ​If you don't know the password, you can set it in the Contact's profile in the Admin Console. You can get here via Portal > Contacts > Profile
  • Clear cookies. ​You can delete the Cookie key from:
%AppData%\DeskDirector Portal\Partitions\deskdirector

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